How do I activate Administration Mode?

If you are used to working with other systems, you may be used to having to set your application in an Administration or Maintenance mode – and/or make sure all users are logged out of the system – before deploying updates to an environment. The Dynamics 365 CRM system is generally very resilient and doesn’t […]

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How do I set/change the object/field prefix?

You will have noticed that all custom entities and fields in CRM get automagically prefixed. And now you think “It would be a whole lot better if I could choose anothor prefix”. Well, you can: 1. Open your Dynamics 365 CRM system and go to Settings | Customization | Publishers. 2. Open your own Publisher profile – If you don’t […]

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How do I update a document template, e.g. to add new fields?

For many years now, you have had the possibility to export data from Dynamics 365 CRM using Word templates. It could for instance be a quote you need to send to your customer, and that is the example I will use in this article. Let’s assume you already have an existing Word template created for […]

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What do I need to get started?

So, your boss has just told you that you need to do some programming in the company CRM system… Good for you! Let me give you some recommendations on what you need to get started! 1. First of all, of course, you need access to your company’s Dynamics 365 CRM instances. There will often be […]

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