My form’s Business Rule doesn’t work!

It doesn’t happen that often, but it can, if you’re not careful… You need to be aware when you create your Business Rules that if the logic relies on a field value and the field is NOT available on the form, the business rule will NOT work. The solution is to make sure in the […]

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How to register a new plugin in an existing assembly

In this article, I will focus on how to register new plugins in an existing assembly. If you have just written the first plugin in a new assembly, please follow the instructions from step 4 in this post instead. So to register a new plugin you’ve written in your existing assembly (which I assume has […]

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How do I batch upload document templates?

I have lots of Quote template files in different languages etc, and once in a while, I update them all with one or more new fields. When the changes are done, I would like to upload all of the templates in one go. Unfortunately, the Dynamics 365 CRM user interface doesn’t have any functionality for […]

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Creating and registering your first plugin

Plugins are the most common way of running custom code in the Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM system. If you start working on an existing system, the company will often have a plugin solution already that you can work in. If not, you have to create one from scratch following this guide. One plugin solution can […]

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